What is NSWERS?
NSWERS is a partnership between Nebraska’s public education system, in affiliation with the Nebraska Department of Labor, to create a data-informed decision culture that supports successful pathways of learning and earning for the people of Nebraska. In 2020, the Nebraska Legislature codified this idea into law (LB 1160), envisioning NSWERS as a “comprehensive, sustainable, and robust lifelong learning and workforce longitudinal data system to allow for the targeting of resources and focus data analysis on assessing workforce development and employment success to enable the training of tomorrow’s workforce.
What are the NSWERS outcomes?
NSWERS is currently focused on eight key longitudinal outcomes –four education and four workforce-related. The data elements identified in the NSWERS File Specifications are used to operationalize these eight outcomes in addition to the research constructs used to longitudinally analyze these outcomes across Nebraska’s education-workforce continuum.
Where can I find information about the NSWERS outcomes?
Visit the NSWERS Outcomes page on the NSWERS website at: https://nswers.org/insights/outcomes/.
What is insights?
insights is NSWERS’ public platform that features public data products aligned with the NSWERS Information & Research Agenda (found on the NSWERS website at https://nswers.org/insights/information-research-agenda/). Products include dashboards, data briefs, special reports, stories and more, each highlighting NSWERS’ eight longitudinal outcomes.
Who might be interested in the insights public portal?
insights is a useful resource for educational institutions and workforce development agencies to design and improve educational and training programs that align with the needs of Nebraska businesses. It is also useful for individuals who are working with students or clients who are trying to determine their own career path.
What institutions are represented in this data? Where does the data come from?
The majority of data used in the insights public portal is drawn from the NSWERS Data System. Data includes records for Nebraska public high schools and Nebraska public postsecondary institutions. Data was not provided by Central Community College. Employment information is sourced from Nebraska’s Unemployment Insurance quarterly wage reports. Data is supplemented with other sources. For example, the NSWERS data system currently does not contain program completion data for private colleges in Nebraska. For this reason, NSWERS used the program completer counts from Nebraska private postsecondary institutions as reported to the National Center for Educational Statistics’ Integrated Postsecondary Educational Data System (IPEDS).
How do I find out what an acronym or term means?
Visit the Data Dictionary icon in the upper right corner.
I need help with an issue that isn’t covered in this FAQ. What should I do?
Please send an email to info@nswers.org.
Does the NSWERS Data System replace annual reporting and collection requirements?
NSWERS serves as a clearinghouse where data are linked across partner agencies and institutions to support evaluation. NSWERS does not replace institute or agency data collection and administration responsibilities.
What does “student type” mean? How do I change it?
Student type refers to the population of students included in each analysis. Each outcome may focus on a different population, depending on the goal of the analysis. For example, outcomes like talent retention may analyze students two years after their educational exit, which means the cohort is determined based on when these students first enrolled or exited. To change the student type, use the dropdown menu provided on the page.
How do I know which students are represented in the data?
Students included in the data are typically those enrolled at Nebraska public institutions or tracked via partnerships with the National Student Clearinghouse and Nebraska Department of Labor. Additional details are available for each outcome under the data definitions tab.
Why is the most recent year of data several years old?
Certain outcomes, such as time to employment, require a delay to allow for the observation of long-term results. For instance, employment outcomes look at students two years after they finish their education. Additionally, there may be delays in obtaining data from partners like the National Student Clearinghouse or the Nebraska Department of Labor.
How is the data verified for accuracy?
When data is submitted by NSWERS partners, it undergoes validation checks for issues related to formatting, data types, and consistency. This ensures that the data adheres to predefined standards before it is integrated into the data analysis. After NSWERS calculates summary statistics, such as counts, rates, and proportions, these figures are provided back to the data partners. This step allows partners to review the calculated statistics and ensure they align with their own records, verifying the data’s accuracy and consistency. After the initial submission and certification process, ongoing cross-validation ensures that any discrepancies or errors identified are remedied.
What do the longitudinal data buttons show, and how can I view trends over time?
Selecting the longitudinal data button changes the figure from a single-year bar chart to a line graph, showing trends over time. This feature allows users to observe changes in outcomes across different years and demographic groups. Note that while calculation methods are consistent across years, variations in data quality may occur.