Timely employment
Timely employment is important for improving economic stability. NSWERS released a new report today that sheds light on the critical factors impacting how quickly Nebraska’s public college students secure stable employment after graduation:...
Median annual earnings for Nebraska public college students increase over time
Median annual earnings for Nebraska public college students increase over time, with noticeable gaps between graduates and non-graduates. Read more about timely employment in Nebraska at: https://insights.nswers.org/briefs/nswers-timely-employment-brief-2024.pdf.
Work experience during college is crucial
Work experience during college is crucial in obtaining timely employment for graduates & non-graduates of Nebraska public colleges. Job holders who worked & earned more during college tend to have higher timely employment rates. Read more here:...
The rate of timely employment for Nebraska job holders
The rate of timely employment for #Nebraska job holders is closely linked to their choice of college major. Fields such as TDL, Health Sciences & Information Technology show high timely employment rates. Read more here:...
Job holders from Nebraska public 4-year colleges
Job holders from Nebraska public 4-year colleges are more likely to achieve timely employment, with a rate 12 points higher than those from Nebraska public 2-year colleges. Read more about timely employment in Nebraska:...
67% of Nebraska job holders secure stable employment
67% of Nebraska job holders secure stable employment within six months after leaving Nebraska public postsecondary institutions. For more on timely employment in the state, visit: https://insights.nswers.org/briefs/nswers-timely-employment-brief-2024.pdf.