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Education Outcomes

NEW! NSWERS Data Brief on the Employment Gap in Nebraska

Nebraska’s unemployment rate remains low, but the state faces critical workforce shortages that threaten economic growth and the delivery of essential services. This report reveals a notable mismatch between the demand for skilled workers in key occupations and the supply of qualified graduates. The findings underscore the importance of building a sustainable talent pipeline to drive Nebraska’s economic growth and secure long-term business success.

A Tale of Two Readers

Nebraska third graders who struggle with reading are significantly less likely to graduate high school on time and pursue higher education than those with strong reading skills. However, students who receive the right support can make substantial academic progress, even if they start below reading standards. “A Tale of Two Readers” tells the exemplar story of two Nebraska girls, Mia and Lila, who took different reading paths. Lila’s early advantage led her to a seamless transition into higher education, while Mia’s perseverance showcased the possibility of overcoming initial setbacks. Their journeys highlight the impact of early reading proficiency on future success and the importance of targeted reading support.

NSWERS Data Brief on Timely Employment

A college education is an investment in the future, offering a pathway to higher earnings that can offset the cost of attendance and lead to a better standard of living. However, failing to secure stable employment soon after college can result in long-term unemployment, underemployment, or other career challenges. This report underscores the importance of college graduation, relevant work experience during college, and targeted fields of study in securing stable employment in Nebraska within six months after college exit.

NSWERS Data Brief on Early Reading Proficiency in Nebraska

Early reading proficiency has an impact on key academic milestones for Nebraska students, including high school graduation and college enrollment. NSWERS’ data brief, based on historical data from the Nebraska State Accountability-Reading (NeSA-R) test, highlights the critical role early reading proficiency plays in shaping students’ long-term educational outcomes. This research offers insights for educators, parents, and policymakers as they work to support Nebraska’s students in achieving better outcomes in reading and education.

NSWERS Data Brief on Talent Retention in Nebraska

Since the 1970s, Nebraska has faced a persistent challenge known as “brain drain,” the out-of-state migration of highly educated individuals. The findings of this talent retention brief suggest targeted strategies that can enhance the retention of college graduates, particularly through the promotion of internships and work opportunities during college. This research seeks to inform new policies that can better support education and job growth in Nebraska, making the state a more attractive place for young professionals to live and work.

NSWERS ACT and College Going in Nebraska Story

The ACT, renowned for its assessment of academic preparedness for college, serves as Nebraska’s eleventh grade statewide assessment. This research reveals a critical link between the ACT scores of Nebraska public students and the decision to pursue higher education. The choices made by these students, informed by their ACT scores, not only shape their personal futures but also hold implications for educational strategies, workforce development, and policymaking within the state.

NSWERS' 2024 Dual Enrollment Special Report

Dual enrollment is an important way to expand educational opportunities, both at the high school and postsecondary levels. This report highlights the differences between Nebraska students who participate in dual enrollment and those who do not. In Nebraska, dual enrollment is associated with positive academic outcomes including higher graduation rates in high school, higher levels of college enrollment and persistence, higher GPAs, and higher college graduation rates.

insights products

Jan 21, 2025 | Briefs
2025 Employment Gap Brief
Oct 24, 2024 | Briefs
2024 Brief on Timely Employment
Oct 17, 2024 | Special Reports
2024 Dual Enrollment
For Nebraska Public Schools & Postsecondary Institutions
Nov 14, 2024 | Stories
A Tale of Two Readers
The impact of early reading proficiency on future success and the importance of targeted reading support.
Graduates from Nebraska 4-year public college programs related to engineering; registered nurses; &amp; software developers &amp; quality assurance analysts make more money than graduates from other programs. Read more about earnings and the employment gap at: <a href="https://insights.nswers.org/briefs/nswers-employment-gap-brief-2025.pdf">https://insights.nswers.org/briefs/nswers-employment-gap-brief-2025.pdf</a>.
Timely employment is important for improving economic stability. NSWERS released a new report today that sheds light on the critical factors impacting how quickly Nebraska’s public college students secure stable employment after graduation: <a href="https://insights.nswers.org/briefs/nswers-timely-employment-brief-2024.pdf">https://insights.nswers.org/briefs/nswers-timely-employment-brief-2024.pdf</a>
58% of #Nebraska public students who had below standard third grade reading levels achieved reading proficiency by 7th grade, compared to 93% of students who met standards and 99% of students who exceeded standards. View the reading brief here: <a href="https://insights.nswers.org/briefs/nswers-early-reading-brief-2024.pdf">https://insights.nswers.org/briefs/nswers-early-reading-brief-2024.pdf</a>.
Providing prior meaningful in-state employment opps is crucial for retaining talent in Nebraska. Earnings thresholds to achieve at least a 50% chance of talent retention are $400 for in-state &amp; $7,800 for OOS 2-year students, &amp; $400 for in-state &amp; $17,500 for OOS 4-year students.

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