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Education Outcomes
Annual Demand of H3 Occupations in 2021

Annual Demand of H3 Occupations in 2021

In Nebraska, teaching jobs are in the highest annual demand for selected H3 occupations, followed by registered nurses. Read more about Nebraska's employment gap here: https://insights.nswers.org/briefs/nswers-employment-gap-brief-2025.pdf.

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Timely employment

Timely employment

Timely employment is important for improving economic stability. NSWERS released a new report today that sheds light on the critical factors impacting how quickly Nebraska’s public college students secure stable employment after graduation:...

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Work experience during college is crucial

Work experience during college is crucial

Work experience during college is crucial in obtaining timely employment for graduates & non-graduates of Nebraska public colleges. Job holders who worked & earned more during college tend to have higher timely employment rates. Read more here:...

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Job holders from Nebraska public 4-year colleges

Job holders from Nebraska public 4-year colleges

Job holders from Nebraska public 4-year colleges are more likely to achieve timely employment, with a rate 12 points higher than those from Nebraska public 2-year colleges. Read more about timely employment in Nebraska:...

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67% of Nebraska job holders secure stable employment

67% of Nebraska job holders secure stable employment

67% of Nebraska job holders secure stable employment within six months after leaving Nebraska public postsecondary institutions. For more on timely employment in the state, visit: https://insights.nswers.org/briefs/nswers-timely-employment-brief-2024.pdf.

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58% of Nebraska public students

58% of Nebraska public students

58% of #Nebraska public students who had below standard third grade reading levels achieved reading proficiency by 7th grade, compared to 93% of students who met standards and 99% of students who exceeded standards. View the reading brief here:...

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77% of third graders achieve reading scores

77% of third graders achieve reading scores

Did you know that 77% of third graders achieve reading scores on the #Nebraska state assessment that meet or exceed #reading standards? Read more about what happens later in their academic journey here:...

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Students with better reading skills in 3rd grade

Students with better reading skills in 3rd grade

Students with better reading skills in 3rd grade are more likely to go to college. In 2021, Nebraska students went to college at rates of 86% if they exceeded 3rd grade reading standards, 73% if they met standards & just 53% if they were below. Read more:...

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Providing prior meaningful in-state employment

Providing prior meaningful in-state employment

Providing prior meaningful in-state employment opps is crucial for retaining talent in Nebraska. Earnings thresholds to achieve at least a 50% chance of talent retention are $400 for in-state & $7,800 for OOS 2-year students, & $400 for in-state & $17,500...

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Talent Retention by Career Cluster of Degree

Talent Retention by Career Cluster of Degree

Nebraska in-state college grads generally have talent retention rates above 75%. Out-of-state grads tend to have talent retention rates below 45% which emphasizes the potential workforce gains Nebraska could make by improving talent retention rates for out-of-state...

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Talent Retention by Career Cluster of Degree

Talent Retention by Career Cluster of Degree

Two high-priority degree areas in Nebraska, STEM (50%) & Agriculture (59%), have college graduates with the lowest talent retention rates. In contrast, the high-priority field of Manufacturing has the highest rate (79%). Differences may be due to Nebraska’s labor...

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Effect of ACT score on public versus private college going

Effect of ACT score on public versus private college going

National trends show that about 70% of college students attend public institutions versus 30% to private institutions. This trend is also true in #Nebraska where the majority of college students attend public institutions, across ACT scores. More here:...

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Effect of ACT score on college going by race.

Effect of ACT score on college going by race.

At the same #ACT score, Nebraska students of color are slightly more likely to attend college than their white counterparts. This difference, however, tends to level off for ACT scores above 21. Read the scrollytelly story here:...

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Average ACT Score from 2017-2021

Average ACT Score from 2017-2021

In the wake of COVID19, ACT scores saw a noticeable drop in NE. This decline in scores highlights the disruption experienced by students & isn't just about numbers—it has major effects on college admissions & the education pathways of students. Read more:...

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Effect of ACT Score on college going by institution type

Effect of ACT Score on college going by institution type

ACT scores impact the college choices of Nebraska high school students. The higher a student's ACT score, the more likely they are to pursue higher education. Yet, the type of institution they choose–2-year or 4-year–can vary based on scores. Read more:...

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CTE Dual Enrollment Courses

CTE Dual Enrollment Courses

In #Nebraska, Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses make up nearly 22% of the total courses offered in dual enrollment. Generally, both general education and #CTE courses have increased over time. To read more, visit:...

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2020 Median First-Year Postsecondary GPA

2020 Median First-Year Postsecondary GPA

NE 1st-year college GPAs are higher among dual enrollment participants than non-enrollees. The type of institution also matters: 2-year college dual enrollees have GPAs of 3.1 & non-enrollees 2.7. At 4-year colleges dual enrollees' GPAs are 3.5 & non-dual...

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2020 Median High School GPA

2020 Median High School GPA

The median high school grade point average (GPA) among #Nebraska dual enrollment participants is 3.4, higher than among non-dual enrollment participants who earn a median 2.7 GPA. Read the full #dualenrollment report here:...

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Percent of Dual Enrollment Subjects 2014-2020

Percent of Dual Enrollment Subjects 2014-2020

In #Nebraska, English makes up 20% of dual enrollment course subjects & 14% are math. History (7%), psychology (6%), biology (5%), & speech & communication (4%) also have high #dualenrollment participation. Read the full dual enrollment report here:...

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Dual Enrollment Credit Earned by Race and Ethnicity

Dual Enrollment Credit Earned by Race and Ethnicity

Disparities exist for dual enrollment credit earners in #Nebraska. Multiracial & white students earn credit at the highest rates with 33% and 32% respectively, compared with 17% of Hispanic & 13% of Black students. Read the full report:...

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Average Dual Enrollment Credits Earned Per Student

Average Dual Enrollment Credits Earned Per Student

NE dual enrollment students completed 98,311 credit hours of college prior to high school graduation. Among high schoolers who earn dual enrollment credit, the average number of credits earned is 13.4-more than one semester of college credit! Full report:...

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Students Participating in Dual Enrollment By District

Students Participating in Dual Enrollment By District

The top 3 dual enrollment school districts are also the 3 largest in NE: @OmahaPubSchool, @MillardPS, & @LPSorg. @PLCSchools & @GPSDistrict37 also have a high %. Together, these 5 districts account for 56% of total dual enrollment participation. View:...

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Dual Enrollment By Gender

Dual Enrollment By Gender

In #Nebraska, more females than males take dual enrollment courses. 58% of dual enrollment students are female (4,512) while 42% are male (3,325). The gender gap continues to widen each year—a gap that mirrors enrollment trends in Nebraska postsecondary institutions...

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NE Postsecondary Participating in Dual Enrollment

NE Postsecondary Participating in Dual Enrollment

NE community colleges are the most common public postsecondary institutions for students to access dual enrollment. @mccneb & @SCCNeb serve the most dual enrollment students with 2,498 & 1,767 students, respectively. @UNOmaha serves 1,410 students. Report:...

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2020 College Goers by Location of College

2020 College Goers by Location of College

Nebraska dual enrollment credit earners are more likely to attend college in Nebraska (over 87 percent) than non-dual enrollment credit earners in the state (over 82 percent). To view the full report visit:...

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2020 College Going by Dual Enrollment Participants

2020 College Going by Dual Enrollment Participants

Students who participate in dual enrollment go to college at higher rates than those who do not participate, with 86 percent versus almost 61 percent college-going rates across the two groups. Nebraska's full dual report can be found here:...

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Data Dictionary