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Education Outcomes

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CTE Dual Enrollment Courses

CTE Dual Enrollment Courses

In #Nebraska, Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses make up nearly 22% of the total courses offered in dual enrollment. Generally, both general education and #CTE courses have increased over time. To read more, visit:...
2020 Median First-Year Postsecondary GPA

2020 Median First-Year Postsecondary GPA

NE 1st-year college GPAs are higher among dual enrollment participants than non-enrollees. The type of institution also matters: 2-year college dual enrollees have GPAs of 3.1 & non-enrollees 2.7. At 4-year colleges dual enrollees’ GPAs are 3.5 &...
2020 Median High School GPA

2020 Median High School GPA

The median high school grade point average (GPA) among #Nebraska dual enrollment participants is 3.4, higher than among non-dual enrollment participants who earn a median 2.7 GPA. Read the full #dualenrollment report here:...

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