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Education Outcomes

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Talent Retention by Career Cluster of Degree

Talent Retention by Career Cluster of Degree

Nebraska in-state college grads generally have talent retention rates above 75%. Out-of-state grads tend to have talent retention rates below 45% which emphasizes the potential workforce gains Nebraska could make by improving talent retention rates for out-of-state...
Talent Retention by Career Cluster of Degree

Talent Retention by Career Cluster of Degree

Two high-priority degree areas in Nebraska, STEM (50%) & Agriculture (59%), have college graduates with the lowest talent retention rates. In contrast, the high-priority field of Manufacturing has the highest rate (79%). Differences may be due to Nebraska’s labor...
2024 Talent Retention in Nebraska

2024 Talent Retention in Nebraska

Since the 1970s, Nebraska has faced a persistent challenge known as “brain drain,” the out-of-state migration of highly educated individuals. The findings of this talent retention brief suggest targeted strategies that can enhance the retention of college graduates,...

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